Community Information & Resources
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Participate in community actions and make an impact.
Join your neighbours and engage the community.
Alex House is proud to facilitate Community Actions for the Surrey and White Rock area. These actions help bring education and awareness to social issues impacting our local communities. These groups gather to take steps towards improving collective understanding, community engagement, and the empowerment of people to continue sharing positive social messages.
See the Community Actions below.
Together WR/SS
Together-SSWR (South Surrey-White Rock) is a site of local resources and mental health information.
Or call their resource line:
Surrey Library Community Services
Find low cost or free programs and resources in Surrey. Curated by the Surrey Library, the community resources listed on this page are available to residents in Surrey and the surrounding area.
BC 211
BC211 is a non-profit society that connects people to community, health and government resources for help, where and when they need it.
You can also call or text 211
24/7 Crisis Support Resources
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868
KUU-US Crisis Line: 1-800-588-8717 (1-800-KUU-US17)
Métis Crisis Line: 1-833-638-4722 (1-833-MétisBC)
Peninsula Homelessness to Housing Task Force
Peninsula Homelessness to Housing Task Force is a table of concerned citizens and organisations who work with individuals, groups, businesses, and government to address the crisis of shelter insecurity and homelessness in South Surrey and White Rock. Through public education, advocacy, and action, PH2H seeks to raise awareness and identify solutions.
Tides of Change
Tides of Change is a Community Action Team (CAT) that was created in response to the overdose crisis. They engage community members, people with lived/living experience, community service providers, first responders, municipalities and others in collaborative community action to develop and implement strategies for overdose prevention and response. Tides of Change is committed to saving lives, reducing stigma and increasing awareness in our community.
Surrey Poverty Reduction Coalition
Working in collaboration, the Surrey Poverty Reduction Coalition is a group of concerned residents, organisations, and groups who want to build a more equitable city through public education, advocacy and action.
Surrey Local Immigration Partnership
The Surrey Local Immigration Partnership (Surrey LIP) is a collaborative table of over three dozen public and not-for-profit organisations coming together to address gaps in supportive programs for newcomers to Canada—immigrants and refugees. The work is accomplished through research, advocacy, education and action.
Surrey Together Against Racism (STAR)
Surrey Together Against Racism (STAR) is committed to reducing instances of hate and racism in Surrey; and to finding ways of supporting those who are victimized by discrimination and bigotry.
Seeds of Change Surrey
Seeds of Change Surrey (SOCS) is a group of residents and organisations working to address food security for all residents of Surrey through a sustainable and resilient food system.